The Delhi High Court Monday asked the city government and police to submit an action plan to deal with bomb threats issued to schools to ensure safety and security of children, teachers, staff and all other stakeholders. Against the backdrop of a spate of such threats, Justice Prathiba M Singh said this never used to happen earlier and asked the Delhi Police as to what steps it was taking. The high court also asked the police to file a status report in respect of bomb threats received by Delhi Public School, Mathura Road, recently.
It also impleaded Action Committee Unaided Recognised Private Schools as a party to the petition and said the association may also place on record its suggestions. The high court listed the matter for further hearing on July 31. It was hearing a plea by a parent of a child studying at DPS Mathura Road raising concern over a string of bomb threats to schools due to which parents, students and school staff were traumatised.