The Delhi High Court on Friday directed certain media houses and social media platforms, including Twitter and Google, to block the links of news reports and videos claiming that a Muslim man allegedly forced a woman to convert to Islam. Justice Prathiba M Singh passed the order after considering that there was a severe threat which was evident from the comments made by
viewers on the news reports and videos available online.
The high court issued notice to the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY), Press Council of India (PCI), News Broadcasting and Digital Standards Authority (NBDSA) and Google LLC, Twitter Inc.
It also issued notice to Sudarshan News chairman Suresh Chavhanke, Odisha Television Limited, Pittie Media LLP, Bharat Prakashan (Delhi) Limited which is the owner of ‘The Organiser, Voice of the Nation’.
The high court asked the parties to respond to the petition filed by the man, who is also facing a rape case lodged by the woman, and listed it for further hearing on 24 May.
Petitioner Azmat Ali Khan, who claims to be a classical music teacher, sought removal of news items and videos published and circulated on online platforms regarding the FIR lodged against him on April 19 by the woman, a Delhi resident, accusing him of forcing to convert.
He submitted that the reports are in the form of fake news, threats and are severely jeopardising his life, reputation and safety. Advocate Rajiv Bajaj, appearing for the petitioner, contended that such publication and circulation are being carried out by giving a communal angle to the entire story and it was done to incite hatred in the communities involved. The court also issued notice to the Delhi Police and directed it to place on record a status report regarding the investigation carried out in the matter. It also asked the Delhi Police counsel to contact the complainant woman and inform her about the pendency of this petition.
During the hearing, advocate Mamta Jha, representing Google, said since the FIR has already been registered, the originators of the videos need to be enquired. Advocate T Singhdev, representing PCI, said that the petitioner’s email of May 9 consisting of the links of news reports will be looked into. He also told the court that the PCI has jurisdiction only over the print media. Advocate Nisha Bhambhani, appearing for NBDSA, said none of the respondent news channels are members of NBDA so its jurisdiction was not made out. The court made it clear that its direction for blocking the links is for all the respondents including the channels and social media platforms.
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