Delhi, India– In an unusual display of support, the Hindu Sena conducted a special ‘hawan’ (a traditional Hindu fire ritual) for the well-being of former U.S. President Donald Trump. The event took place in the heart of Delhi on Tuesday, attracting attention from both locals and media.
The Event
The ‘hawan’ was organized by the Hindu Sena, a right-wing Hindu nationalist group known for its strong support of Trump. Members of the group gathered around a sacred fire, offering prayers and chanting mantras for Trump’s health and success. The ritual, which is believed to purify the environment and bring positive energy, lasted for about an hour.
Why Trump?
The Hindu Sena has previously expressed admiration for Trump, viewing him as a strong leader who has taken a firm stance against terrorism and has a friendly approach towards India. This special prayer ceremony was intended to show their unwavering support for him, especially as he continues to influence global politics.
Statements from Organizers
Vishnu Gupta, the president of Hindu Sena, spoke to the media about the event. “Donald Trump is a great friend of India and has always stood by our country. We are praying for his good health and long life,” Gupta said. He also mentioned that the group believes Trump’s leadership is crucial for global peace and stability.
Public Reaction
The event garnered mixed reactions from the public. Some people appreciated the gesture, seeing it as a sign of solidarity and goodwill. Others were more skeptical, questioning the relevance of such an event in India’s political landscape.
The special ‘hawan’ for Donald Trump by the Hindu Sena highlights the unique ways in which political admiration can manifest. Whether seen as a meaningful spiritual support or a peculiar spectacle, it certainly underscores the global influence and diverse fanbase of the former U.S. President.