In Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, a tragic stampede occurred during a religious event on July 2, 2024. The stampede took place after the event concluded, resulting in chaos and injuries among the attendees. Among the heroes of this incident is UP Police Constable Sheela Maurya, who was on security duty at the event.
“I was deputed in front of the stage,” Sheela Maurya recalls. “There was a huge crowd there after the event concluded. People started falling over each other. I helped many women but later even I fell and suffered injuries. The problem was that there was a huge crowd, and everyone started exiting the venue together. At the time, I was only trying to save people. The CM asked me about the incident yesterday.”
Sheela’s brave actions during the stampede highlight her dedication and quick thinking. Despite the risk to her own safety, she prioritized helping others. Her account sheds light on the chaos and the need for better crowd management at large events.
The Hathras stampede serves as a grim reminder of the need for stringent safety protocols at large public gatherings. Effective crowd management, including the regulation of entry and exit points, and the presence of sufficient security personnel, can prevent such tragedies. Additionally, educating attendees on safety measures can help in managing large crowds more efficiently.
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