In Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, a tragic stampede occurred during a satsang by Narayan Sakar Vishw Hari (Bhola Baba) on Tuesday, resulting in the deaths of more than 116 devotees, with many others injured. Attendees came from Hathras, Etah, Kasganj, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttarakhand. The casualties included seven children, one man, and 108 women.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed deep sorrow and ordered an investigation. Both central and state governments announced financial aid of two lakh rupees each for the victims’ families. The President, Prime Minister, and Home Minister, along with other leaders, expressed their condolences.

Survivor Pooja recounted that after the satsang ended, a rush through uneven fields caused people to fall and be trampled. She managed to stay clear of the chaos but witnessed the intensity of the crowd’s movement. Eyewitness Rajanshree, saved by a volunteer, witnessed injuries and a child being trampled. Many from her village remain unaccounted for.

In the aftermath, Baba’s followers searched frantically for loved ones amid the confusion. Guddo Devi from Kasganj described her daughter Priyanka being trampled as they left the satsang. Despite efforts to reach the hospital, Priyanka tragically passed away.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath vowed a thorough investigation into whether the incident was accidental or deliberate. Former policeman Surajpal, now known as Narayan Sakar Vishw Hari, retired from service to focus on satsangs after conducting them for 17 years. His gatherings, managed by a uniformed team, occasionally face logistical challenges.

Baba claimed divine inspiration post-retirement, attracting followers including civil servants and politicians. Tragedy struck further as policeman Rajneesh suffered a fatal heart attack while aiding the medical response to the incident.