The death toll in the stampede at a “Satsang” event in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, climbed to 121 on Wednesday. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met with the victims and later briefed the media on the incident. The FIR filed in connection with the case highlighted significant lapses by the organizers that contributed to the tragic events at the congregation.

Here are seven significant failures that resulted in the stampede at the Hathras Satsang:

1) Overcrowding beyond capacity: The event drew over 2.5 lakh attendees to a venue designed for only 80,000 people, resulting in chaotic conditions as devotees rushed for the “Dhool” of “Bhole Baba.”

2) Organizer abandonment: Organizers reportedly abandoned the scene once chaos erupted, failing to provide assistance during the crisis.

3) Security mismanagement: Security personnel’s attempt to control access to “Bhole Baba” sparked unrest as devotees tried to breach the security, triggering the stampede.

4) Lack of entry and exit management: Poorly marked entry and exit points exacerbated the situation, causing confusion among the crowd.

5) Absence of medical support: Despite the large gathering and challenging weather conditions, there were no trained medical personnel onsite to handle emergencies.

6) Unsecured cavalcade: The procession of “Bhole Baba” was not adequately barricaded, allowing devotees to approach too closely, contributing to the stampede.

7) Shortage of volunteers: Insufficient “sevadars” or volunteers compounded the crisis, leaving attendees without guidance or assistance during the chaotic events.