The Hathras Police have registered a separate FIR against DL Public School and its owner, Dinesh Bhagel, for violating school regulations, officials confirmed on Saturday. The FIR was filed under Sections 211, 223, 318(3), and 318(4) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and Sections 17 and 18 of the Right to Education (RTE) Act at Sahpau Police Station.

Kishan Kushwaha, the father of the deceased student, expressed his frustration, saying he has not received any updates on the case from the police since the incident occurred on September 23. “I haven’t received any information from the police; everything I know is through the media,” he stated.

Refuting claims that the case is related to ‘black magic,’ Kushwaha insisted that his son was deliberately murdered. “The post-mortem report clearly states that he was choked, and a hand was placed over his mouth to stop him from breathing. He was killed mercilessly. This report cannot be ignored,” he added. He also demanded the death penalty for the perpetrators.

Earlier, on Friday, Hathras Basic Siksha Adhikari (BSA), Swati Bharti, ordered the closure of DL Public School after reports emerged that the 11-year-old student was allegedly murdered as part of a ‘black magic ritual.’ Hathras Additional Superintendent of Police, Ashok Kumar Singh, stated, “On September 23, a student was murdered at the hostel of DL Public School under Sahpau PS. A case was registered based on the complainant’s statement. Five accused, including the school owner, have been arrested and sent to judicial custody. The police will investigate all aspects of the case.”

The latest FIR has been registered under specific sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), as the school was reportedly operating illegally up to class 8, despite only having recognition till class 5.

BSA Swati Bharti has also filed a case against the school manager, alleging that the student was murdered as part of a black magic ritual aimed at ensuring the school’s prosperity. According to police, the boy was allegedly killed at the school hostel on September 23. The five arrested suspects have been identified as Ramprakash Solanki, Dinesh Baghel, Jashodhan Singh alias Bhagat Ji, Laxman Singh, and Virpal Singh alias Viru.

Kamlesh, the mother of the deceased, grieving the loss of her son, called for the school to be demolished. “A bulldozer should be run over the school. There should be a CBI inquiry, and the culprits should be hanged,” she demanded.

Congress leader Supriya Shrinate also called for strict action against those involved in the alleged murder. She expressed her shock over such incidents occurring in the 21st century, stating, “I can’t believe that, 78 years after India’s independence, we are witnessing such things… we send our children to school for education and safety. Now it feels like our country has regressed in recent years.”