Haryana Home Minister, Anil Vij commended the Haryana Police and its operation in Gurugram, where 10 gang-affiliated gunmen were arrested last week. The Home Minister said on Wednesday that the entire police team involved would receive letters of appreciation as part of the state government’s effort to recognise the officers.
The Minister said that the Haryana government has started 30 different awards for police personnel and officers. Ten of these prizes will be given in the name of Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, 10 prizes will be given in the name of Home Minister Vij and 10 prizes will be given in the name of DGP. A provision has also been made for a cash reward of Rs 1lakh and a six-month extension of service. A letter has been sent to the Superintendents of Police of all the districts in this regard and now sorting is being done and it will be started soon.
According to Vij, the case is being probed from every angle and investigators are attempting to track the sources of the accused. The ten shooters, with ties to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, had acquired police uniforms in order to carry out a kidnapping in the city. Four pistols and 28 live cartridges had also been recovered from these shooters.
According to Vij, the government and the police department are working closely, running a gang-busting operation called Aakrman every month.
“Raids are made in the whole of Haryana to curb crimes like gambling, satta, liquor and drug circulation…We have to think that those who commit small crimes may one day become bigger criminals. If these are curbed, then crime can be reduced.” Close to 300-350 people are arrested every month, Vij said, and then cases are filed against them. The police team that nabbed the ten gangsters included DCP Crime Vijay Pratap Singh, ACP Crime Varun Kumar Dahiya, Inspector Narendra Singh, Inspector Anand Kumar, Sub-Inspector Manoj, Sub-Inspector Dharmendra, Sub-Inspector Harvir, Sub-Inspector Neeraj, ASI Brijesh Kumar, ASI Harveer, Head Constable Shakti Singh, Head Constable Rajesh Kumar, Head Constable Kamal, Head Constable Sushil Kumar, Head Constable Joginder Singh, Head Constable Shri Bhagwan and Constables Aman and Sumit.