Six children lost their lives and another twenty were injured in a school bus accident in Mahendragarh, Haryana, on Thursday. The incident will be investigated by a four-member panel constituted by the government. A bus carrying about forty children from basic to secondary classes at GL Public School crashed into a tree and flipped close to Unhani village in Kanina, according to police confirmation of the incident. About the occurrence, a formal complaint has been filed.

In response to the tragedy, the Haryana Education Department has convened a meeting today at 3 pm to discuss the state’s vehicle safety policy. This meeting will involve the participation of all District Education Officers, Elementary Education Officers, and Block Education Officers across the state via video conferencing.

Initial inquiries have unveiled distressing details surrounding the events leading up to the crash. Following the accident, school bags, shoes, and study materials were found scattered amidst the wreckage, with some children lying in pools of blood while others cried out in pain.

According to law enforcement officials, the driver, identified as Dharmender, was allegedly under the influence of alcohol and driving recklessly when he lost control of the vehicle. Despite efforts by concerned villagers to intervene, the bus continued its journey, culminating in the accident.

In connection with the incident, three individuals, including the school’s principal and another staff member, have been apprehended.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Droupadi Murmu, and a number of other officials have expressed their deep sadness and stressed the urgency of taking prompt action to prevent such tragic accidents in the future.

This incident has also sparked significant concerns regarding the safety protocols of school transportation. According to police reports, the school bus lacked essential documentation and had previously incurred fines for non-compliance.