Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar chaired a key meeting with the Administrative Secretaries in Chandigarh on Thursday and directed them to seriously consider the complaints, demands, and recommendations received in writing from the public during the Jan Samvad Programme and ensure timely redressal for each complaint. During the meeting, the Chief Minister reviewed the status of grievances received on the Jan Samvad portal. So far, almost 7,200 complaints and demands have been submitted on the portal and have been forwarded to the concerned Administrative Secretaries for necessary action.
“Every officer should ensure that a complainant does not have to run from pillar to post to get the solution of their problem and to achieve this objective only, the initiative of organising Jan Samvad has been started,” said the CM. Khattar said that the officers should check the Jan Samvad portal every seven days to review how many complaints registered under their departments have been resolved. He further directed separate categories be made for each report at the departmental level so that complaints would not go unnoticed.