The escalating conflict between Haryana Power Minister Ranjit Singh Chautala and Haryana Lokhit Party president and Sirsa MLA Gopal Kanda has reached a critical juncture, with Chautala declaring his intention to contest the upcoming assembly elections from the Rania constituency — where Kanda has already announced his nephew as the HLP candidate.
Chautala, a veteran political figure and son of Chaudhary Devi Lal, has unequivocally announced his intention to contest the upcoming assembly elections from the Rania constituency, even if it means defying his own party’s alliances.

Chautala’s declaration comes in response to HLP chief and Sirsa MLA Gopal Kanda’s recent announcement of fielding his nephew, Dhawal Kanda, as the HLP candidate for the Rania seat. The power minister, who was elected as an independent MLA from Rania before joining the BJP, made it clear that his loyalty to the BJP is conditional. “If the BJP gives me a ticket from Rania, that’s fine; otherwise, the BJP can do what it wants. I will definitely contest the election from Rania and will win as well,” Chautala asserted during a meeting with his supporters.

Chautala refuted rumors of joining the Congress under former Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda’s leadership. Chautala’s defiance marks a significant challenge to the BJP’s strategic alliance with Gopal Kanda’s HLP. “I am the son of Chaudhary Devi Lal and have my own support base in all 90 assembly constituencies in the state,” he stated, underscoring his confidence in winning the Rania seat, irrespective of the BJP’s decisions.
This development puts the BJP in a precarious position as it navigates its alliance with the HLP. Ranjit Singh Chautala has openly criticized the BJP’s condition to offer only one seat to the HLP and that too, not to Gopal Kanda himself but to a member of his family. “Gopal Kanda has no influence in Sirsa, and he will face defeat in the assembly polls. I had spoken to senior BJP leaders who told me that the party will give only the Sirsa assembly seat to Gopal Kanda,” Chautala revealed, signaling his intention to contest from Rania on a BJP ticket or as an Independent if necessary.

Chautala’s previous electoral performance adds weight to his challenge. Although he lost the Hisar Lok Sabha seat to Congress’ Jai Prakash in the last general elections, his influence in the Rania constituency remains strong. His decision to contest from Rania is poised to disrupt the BJP’s plans, especially in light of Chief Minister Nayab Saini’s announcement that the BJP would contest the assembly polls in alliance with the HLP.
Meanwhile, the Kanda brothers, including HLP chief Gopal Kanda, have maintained a calculated silence, refraining from immediate comments on Chautala’s statement and accusations. The silence from the Kanda camp suggests a cautious approach as they navigate this unexpected challenge within their alliance.