The Haryana government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, is encountering a crisis as three independent MLAs have retracted their support. This development arises merely two months after the BJP severed ties with the Jannayak Janata Party (JJP) and replaced Manohar Lal Khattar with Saini as Chief Minister. The political landscape in the state has become increasingly tumultuous, particularly as the BJP faces hurdles during the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.
The Congress, which presented stiff competition to the BJP in the 2019 assembly polls by securing 31 seats compared to the BJP’s 40, has experienced a resurgence following the independents’ threat to the government. Adding complexity to the situation, JJP leader Dushyant Chautala claims to command the support of 10 MLAs, although six have already indicated their dissociation from the party.
“The opposition is making speculative assessments. Even if they manage to retain 23 of their MLAs during a floor test, it will be significant. While I don’t foresee an imminent motion of no-confidence, if such a scenario emerges, we will proceed with a floor test… Several JJP MLAs have pledged support to the BJP. This underscores the need to delve deeper beyond surface appearances,” remarked Khattar in conversation with news agency ANI.
Amidst Uncertainty Regarding JJP’s Backing The stability of Dushyant Chautala’s hold over his MLAs remains uncertain, with some openly endorsing BJP candidates in the Lok Sabha elections, while at least three purportedly met Khattar and may align with the existing government. This has sparked conjecture regarding the allegiance of Dushyant’s MLAs in a potential floor test.
A Game of Numbers in the Legislative Assembly With the Haryana assembly comprising 90 members, the current count stands at 88 following the resignation of an independent MLA and former CM Khattar, who is contesting the Lok Sabha election from Karnal. With 40 MLAs from the BJP, 30 from the Congress, 10 from the JJP, 1 from INLD, 1 from Gopal Kanda’s Haryana Lokhit Party (HLP), and 7 independents, the Nayab Saini government is bolstered by a mere 43 MLAs, rendering it a minority administration.
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