Haryana’s Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar initiated a community policing and outreach program dubbed ‘Haryana Uday’ on Sunday. Aimed at bolstering community ties and fostering improved relations between the district administration, law enforcement agencies, and the public, the program will be operational statewide from June 1.
Khattar, launching the Haryana Uday calendar at a ‘Raahgiri Day’ event held at Sector 79, stressed the potential for creating a safer and more inclusive society through active public participation in the outreach program. To facilitate this, Deputy Commissioners, Commissioners of Police, and Superintendents of Police will spearhead community policing and outreach initiatives.
The forthcoming schedule includes events such as Strong/Fitman Haryana and a three-day Mahila Bazar in Gurugram set for June, and an International Yoga Day celebration on June 21. Subsequent activities in July encompass sports competitions for seniors above 60 years and another Mahila Bazar in Faridabad.
Starting June 1, Deputy Commissioners will initiate the outreach program in their respective districts, conducting various events like Jan Samvad, pond cleaning, and plantation drives. Simultaneously, the Commissioner of Police and Superintendent of Police will facilitate events such as Raahgiri, sports competitions, and drug abuse awareness campaigns in their respective districts.
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