Haryana Home and Health Minister Anil Vij on Saturday redressed the grievances of the people of the Ambala constituency and gave directions to the concerned officers to take action on various cases. Home Minister Vij directed the Sonipat Police Commissioner to investigate and take “immediate action” regarding the complaint of a man living in the Housing Board of Ambala Cantonment who alleged that he was duped of Rs 40 lakh by a travel agent who promised to help him send his son abroad to pursue higher education.
He alleged that the agent told him and his family that he sends young people abroad regularly and that he worked for an airline. The complainant alleged that after taking their money, the agent gave his son a fake visa and ticket and kept him in Karnataka’s capital city Bengaluru for two days. When the son became suspicious, he asked the agent to retun his money and papers back to him, which the agent refused to do.
Home Minister Vij has handed over the investigation of the matter to the Special Investigation Team (SIT) that has been set up for immigration fraud and gave instructions for rapid action. Vij also directed authorities to take action on another complaint of army personnel. An army man working for the Air Force in Pathankot—who is also a resident of Kharkhoda—said that a he was in the middle of divorce proceedings with his wife. His wife is living in her parents’ house and just a few days ago, she forcibly entered his house for just two minutes. After this, the wife went to Kharkhoda police station and filed a case against him under rape and other sections
The soldier said that he also had the video and photo of his wife forcibly entering the house. He alleged that the police were not listening to him. The Home Minister instructed the Police Commissioner of Sonipat to take action in the matter. Similarly, many other complaints came before Vij, on which he directed the concerned officials to take action. He also congratulated the Indian team for winning the Commendation Award in the Hockey World Cup. He expressed his best wishes to the Indian team, which participated for the first time in the Deck Hockey World Cup, which was held in the European country Czech Republic recently. The Indian team received a commendation award in the competition. Team captain Nitin Saini from Ambala, vice-captain Parminder from Yamunanagar along with other members took blessings from Home Minister Anil Vij.
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