Haryana’s Home Minister, Anil Vij, is currently at odds with top bureaucrats and police officials in the state, as tensions rise over their handling of recent communal clashes in Nuh district. The clashes, which erupted on July 31, have prompted senior police personnel to intensify efforts to apprehend those responsible.

Amid the aftermath of the riots, Anil Vij expressed frustration with the senior officials’ response, stating that they were unaware of the situation. He revealed that he was tipped off by a private individual stuck in a temple during the riots, rather than being informed by any police official.

This incident has only deepened the existing discord between Anil Vij and Haryana’s IAS and IPS officers. He has objected to statements made by Home Secretary TVSN Prasad and criticized the functioning of CID Chief Alok Mittal in relation to the riots.

However, this is not an isolated instance of clashes between Anil Vij and top bureaucrats. He has had past disagreements with former CID chiefs, Anil Rao and Shatrujeet Kapoor, as well as current CID chief Alok Mittal. Additionally, his dissatisfaction extends to former Home Secretary and ACS Health Rajeev Arora, whom he criticized for various issues, including the handling of the Covid pandemic. Moreover, IPS officers have also found themselves at odds with Anil Vij. Sangeeta Kalia, a 2010 batch IPS officer, faced confrontation with him over liquor smuggling issues, resulting in her transfer. These frequent disputes have created tensions within the state bureaucracy and raised concerns about effective governance and decision-making in Haryana. As the situation unfolds, the state government faces the challenge of maintaining harmony among its officials and effectively addressing key issues for the well-being of its citizens.