With the Haryana Assembly elections just around the corner, the Congress party has unveiled its seven major promises aimed at addressing key issues faced by voters in the state. The announcement was made on Wednesday in the presence of top Congress leaders, including President Mallikarjun Kharge, General Secretary KC Venugopal, former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda, and Haryana Congress Chief Udai Bhan.

Key Guarantees Announced

  1. Monthly Pension Scheme: Congress has committed to a monthly pension of ₹6,000 for the elderly, disabled, and widows. This initiative is part of the party’s broader social security plan.
  2. Restoration of Old Pension Scheme: The party promises to reinstate the old pension scheme, which aims to benefit government employees.
  3. Free Electricity and Medical Treatment: Congress has pledged to provide 300 units of free electricity to households. Additionally, it promises free medical treatment up to ₹25 lakh.
  4. Legal Guarantee for MSP: In response to the longstanding demands of farmers, Congress has vowed to introduce a legal assurance for the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of crops.
  5. Caste Survey and Income Limit Adjustment: The party has promised to conduct a caste survey and increase the income limit for the creamy layer from ₹6 lakh to ₹10 lakh.

Campaign Slogan and Manifesto

The Congress party has dubbed its campaign promises as “Saat Vaade, Pakke Irade” (Seven Promises, Firm Resolutions). Kharge emphasized the party’s commitment to these guarantees, stating, “We will implement these guarantees, and that is why we have named it ‘Saat Vaade, Pakke Irade’.”

The full manifesto, detailing additional plans and policies, will be elaborated upon in Chandigarh at a later date.

Election Context

Haryana’s 90-member assembly election is scheduled for October 5, with the vote counting set for October 8. This election is crucial for the Congress party as it seeks to regain and solidify its political standing in Haryana amidst growing challenges in recent years.