In a dramatic turn of events, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has regained momentum in the Haryana Assembly elections, pulling ahead with a lead in 45 seats as of the latest count. Earlier trends had indicated a strong showing for the Congress party, which crossed the halfway mark, leading in 46 seats. However, the tide has shifted, with the Congress now trailing behind, securing a lead in only 38 constituencies.
The results come amid a closely contested election where both parties have been vying for control of the 90-member Haryana Assembly. The BJP, facing anti-incumbency after two consecutive terms in power, seems poised for a third victory, even as the Congress, buoyed by early exit polls, hopes to reclaim the state after a decade in opposition.
As the counting continues, political analysts are closely watching the evolving trends, with the final outcome expected to shape the future of Haryana’s political landscape.
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