Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal on Tuesday launched e-Sachivalaya, a digital platform, facilitating people to take online appointments for virtual meetings with the CM, Deputy CM, ministers, and other heads of departments. Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala was also present at the ceremony.
On the occasion, the CM urged the people to ensure maximum utilisation of this portal for getting their work done related to the government. He said that in this hour of the Covid-19 crisis, they should not physically visit government offices by risking their lives, rather while following stay-at-home norms they should use this portal to resolve their problems.
The CM said that with the e-Sachivalaya concept, any person seeking an appointment for meeting ministers and officers at their offices in Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh, do not have to appear physically, rather through their mobile phones, laptops they can simply book their appointments digitally. After taking the appointment, within 24 hours they will be given a time slot for the virtual meeting, he said.
Manohar Lal said that in the last six years, through e-governance, many digital services have been started in the direction of good governance. During Covid-19, Haryana Udhyam Memorandum (H.U.M) portal was launched to facilitate MSMEs. Similarly, online education has been made available through learning management system software.
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