Some girl students, who were allegedly molested in Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh, have written a letter to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath with their blood. In this four-page letter, the girl students revealed about the misbehaviour of their principal. The letter also mentioned the role of police in which the complaint girl students were threatened.
As soon as the letter reached the CM, the Ghaziabad police swung into action and arrested Principal Rajeev Pandey on Tuesday morning.
This whole matter pertains to Kisan Adarsh Higher Secondary School located in Shahpur Bamhaita village under Wave City police station. On August 21, the girl students here had filed a case against Principal Rajeev Pandey accusing him of molesting them by calling them to his room. Later, the principal also filed a case against the parents of some girl students that they broke their heads after entering the school. FIR has been lodged from both the sides. The girl students and their parents have been demanding the arrest of the principal since then. He has also met the police commissioner regarding this.