According to officials on Wednesday, Madhya Pradesh police have filed a case against an additional superintendent of police (ASP) in relation to a case involving a forged caste certificate in the Vidisha district. Police say the complaint was made on December 7 at the district’s Anandpur police station under pertinent sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which includes cheating. The investigation was conducted by a state-level investigative committee. Amritlal Meena, the accused ASP, is presently assigned to the Gwalior district.
“A case has been registered against the concerned ASP under IPC sections 420, 467, 468, and 471 in connection with a fake caste certificate issue. The action has been taken based on a report from the state-level investigation committee. We are further looking into it,” Vidisha ASP Sameer Yadav said.
“The concerned ASP informed that on December 8, the Madhya Pradesh High Court granted a restoration order (about restoring the previous stay order) into the matter. Nonetheless, the case is registered into the matter as of now,” ASP Yadav added.
The FIR copy states that a state-level committee that the Madhya Pradesh government established to examine the dubious caste certificates of Scheduled Tribes issued a decision on February 19, 2016, stating that the dubious certificate of Scheduled Tribe was issued by Amritlal Meena on October 29, 1991, and that the committee canceled it after giving it some thought and directed that legal and procedural action be taken.
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