In a shocking incident from Gurugram, a Mahindra Thar SUV gets stuck upside down in an electric pole.
This incident happened when the SUV was hit by a speeding Honda Amaze from behind on Monday at 4 pm.
Afterwards, the SUV driver Aanchal Gupta, loses control of the car and then, it got stuck on an electric pole.
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Fortunately, the victim was unscathed, but the driver with the sedan car immediately left the scene.
Speaking to India Today, the victim Aanchal Gupta while recounting the incident revealed, ‘I left the petrol pump, and right after I took a turn, a white Honda Amaze hit my car from behind. I diverted to the left because otherwise, there would have been further damage. However, my car went up the electric pole. Later, locals helped me come down, and I jumped from above.’
Meanwhile, after learning about this incident, Gurugram police reached the site of incident and later, they launched a probe into this matter.