Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Srinagar Zonal Office, has carried out search operations under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 at 12 locations in Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Morbi and Mehsana of Gujarat State in respect of investigation relating to one Kiranbhai Jagdishbhai Patel and his associates namely Jay Savjibhai Sitapara, Hardik Kishorebhai Chandrana, Vitthalbhai Motibhai Patel, Amit Pandya and Piyush Kantibhai Vasita. Kiran Jagdishbhai Patel, with criminal intention and by employing high degree of forged means, impersonated himself as Senior Government Official serving in PMO as Dr. Kiran Patel, Additional Director, PMO (Strategies & Campaigns).

The said individual, by resorting to cheating, forgery and impersonation, has duped gullible people and also intentionally induced people to do and also to omit to do activities, under a well-knit plan for securing monetary as well as material benefits.

ED initiated investigation on the basis of FIR registered by Police Station Nishat, Srinagar, J&K, under various sections of IPC against Kiranbhai Jagdishbhai Patel. PMLA investigation has also revealed that that Kiranbhai Patel is a habitual scammer and imposter as 06 other FIRs have also been registered against him & his family members in Gujarat for defrauding gullible people by pretending himself as a high-rank officer in the Government and showing his political connections.
During the course of search operations, documents related to immovable properties and highly incriminating material, have been recovered and seized.

Further investigation in respect of his activities in J&K and other places is in progress.