VV nationwide. Commissioner Anupam Singh Gehlot briefed the media on Friday, revealing that a cleric known only by the name Sohail was apprehended in connection with the plot. Upon interrogation, Sohail provided additional information leading to further insights into the terror module.

The commissioner mentioned the involvement of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), the central anti-terrorism agency, in the continuing investigation of the module.

“During the initial week of May, we apprehended a maulvi named Sohail from Surat district. Upon questioning, he disclosed additional details regarding his affiliation with the terror module. We retrieved two voter identity cards from the cleric,” Commissioner Gehlot informed ANI on Friday.

He went on to disclose that the police confiscated two birth certificates—one from Surat and another from Nawapura in Maharashtra—from Sohail.

Discussing another individual, Mohammad Ali, also known as Shehnaz, who was apprehended, the commissioner stated, “Shehnaz utilized a mobile phone SIM card from Nepal. By tracing the mobile tower location, we located him in Muzaffarpur. He had previously resided in Nepal and operated 17 numbers using a single mobile device.”

The commissioner disclosed that Shehnaz possessed 42 email addresses and utilized his numerous SIM cards and email IDs for issuing threats.

“In addition to possessing an Aadhar card, Shehnaz held Nepalese citizenship,” the commissioner added.

Regarding the third suspect, identified as Raza, the commissioner remarked, “Although he destroyed his mobile device, we managed to extract some information with the assistance of the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL). We are currently gathering additional information about him and the module. Raza used a Pakistani SIM card provided by his handler Dagar.”

The police indicated that they are continuing their investigation to gather more information.