Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel expressed joy and satisfaction on Tuesday as Gujarat secured the top position in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) index announced by Niti Aayog. He highlighted the state’s significant achievements, especially in reducing maternal and child mortality.

Taking to the social media platform X, the Chief Minister wrote, “It is a matter of great joy and pride for Gujarat that the state has remained first in the country in the health facility and well-being sector for the second consecutive time in the Sustainable Development Goals index announced by Niti Aayog.”

He added, “The state has achieved this by significantly reducing maternal and child mortality and improving institutional delivery and child care. This success is due to a large increase in complete gasification.”

Commending the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Patel stated, “Additionally, there is excellent performance in controlling infectious diseases such as TB and HIV/AIDS, along with a significant reduction in circulation and an increase in medical and paramedical manpower. The state has been successful in achieving this feat. Under the guidance of Honorable Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi, the citizens of the state will be able to achieve the same level as the developed countries of the world. The Gujarat government is committed to creating top-notch health facilities.”

In a related initiative, under the ‘Ek Pedh Maa Ke Naam’ campaign, CM Patel took an innovative step on Monday, inspiring the Women and Child Welfare Department to plant 53,065 trees with children in Anganwadis across the state. This initiative aims to foster a habit of cultivating and nurturing trees among the Anganwadi children, promoting environmental conservation.

The CM launched the statewide campaign of planting saplings with the children on the first day of the holy month of Shravan. Under the ‘Ek Pedh Maa Ke Naam’ campaign, a total of 3.15 lakh saplings will be planted in Anganwadis across the state, demonstrating a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.