MoS Home Nityanand Rai said that the Government has created a new category of Ex-Agniveer in the recruitment to the post of constable in Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles (CAPFs and AR) with provisions.
On the reservation for Ex-Agniveers in CAPFs MP Sunil Kumar Singh from Chatra Parliamentary Constituency, Jharkhand posed questions to MoS Home Nityanand Rai in the Lok Sabha on whether the Government had decided to provide reservations for ex-agniveers for appointment in CAPFs and the percentage of reservation fixed on Tuesday.
MoS Home Nityanand Rai said that the Government has created a new category of Ex-Agniveer in the recruitment to the post of Constable (General Duty)/ Rifleman in CAPFs and AR respectively with the following provisions attached for them.
“The provisions created in recruiting Ex-Agniveer to the post of Constable (General Duty)/ Rifleman include reservation of 10 per cent of vacancies for them and three years relaxation in the prescribed upper age limit,” MoS Home Nityanand Rai said. Further age relaxation of 5 years beyond the prescribed upper age limit will be given to the candidates of the first batch of Agniveer.
Nityanand Rai said that they have also been exempted from the Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Nityanand Rai further said, “Accordingly, necessary amendments by incorporating the aforesaid provisions for Ex- Agniveers in the Recruitment Rules of Constable (GD) in CAPFs & AR have been notified.”