Punjab government is continuously striving to raise the standard of living of the people of Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes and other poor sections. As part of this effort, Rs 2 crore has been allocated for the year 2024-25 for the repair and maintenance of Ambedkar Bhawan established in six districts of the state.
Social Justice, Empowerment and Minorities Minister Dr Baljit Kaur provided this information, stating that under the Dr B.R. Ambedkar Bhawan Construction Scheme, approval has been given to release funds. Specifically, Rs 30 lakh for Amritsar, Rs 30.85 lakh for Ferozepur, Rs 50 lakh for Patiala, Rs 20.50 lakh for Sangrur, Rs 23.47 lakh for Faridkot and Rs 45.18 lakh for Roopnagar have been allocated for the Ambedkar Bhawan in these districts.
The Cabinet minister noted that the government has decided to establish Ambedkar Bhawan in every district to provide services for Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes and other poor sections can be provided under one roof with a single-windows. So far, Dr B.R. Ambedkar Bhawan has been established in 17 districts. Remaining are six districts, SAS Nagar, Barnala and Malerkotla.  Efforts are being made to arrange the land for setting up Ambedkar Bhawan, while the land has been arranged in the districts of Pathankot, Tarn Taran and Fazilka.

The minister directed the officials of the department for the repair and maintenance work of Ambedkar Bhawan to ensure transparency and quality in government works and strictly follow the financial regulation.