Punjab Governor Banwarilal Purohit hit back at Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann after the CM made derogatory remarks against him in the Punjab Legislative Assembly. The Governor said, “[CM Mann] said that he has given a helicopter to the Governor. I used it for official duty and not for my personal use and visited the border area in where Punjab officials also accompanied me. Now, I have announced that as long as I am in Punjab, I will not use the Punjab government’s helicopter…The Chief Minister made fun of me in the Vidhan Sabha. The post of Chief Minister has dignity and Bhagwant Maan should restore it”.
In a press conference, the Governor said that he would only travel to Punjab via road and would also visit roadside remote villages. Purohit’s visits might be a blow to the state government in terms of political ground if he interacts with citizens in rural areas.
For example, Governor Purohit said that it had been brought to his notice that the Punjab Government has not paid University professors’ salaries in the last nine months. He further stated that the villages’ sarpanches are “disturbed” by the rampant drug issue, which he as the constitutional head, is trying to solve. Governor also took issue with other comments made by the Punjab CM, who referred to his many letters seeking information about the state’s workings as “love letters.” Purohit stated that Chief Minister Mann should “not say anything” but answer the questions in his letters instead.
Purohit has reiterated time and again that Mann is constitutionally bound to respond to the order of the Supreme Court, which directed him to furnish any information about the government sought by the Governor. The Governor said that the government has paid Rs 203 crore to Panjab University in five years instead of Rs 696 crore that was to be paid. He said that it is “unfair” to blame the governor as he just suggested to the CM that Punjab share the financial burden with Haryana and affiliate their colleges as Haryana will also pay for it. Purohit also decried the Chief Minister’s allegations that he favoured Haryana in the University case.