In a swift response to the recent ban on Halal-certified food items in Uttar Pradesh, authorities conducted raids at City Mall and AD Mall in Gorakhpur. The raids, led by Chief Food Information Officer Hitendra Mohan Tripathi, aimed to ensure compliance with the state government’s prohibition on the production, storage, distribution, and sale of food products with Halal certification. This decisive action comes on the heels of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s order, reflecting a zero-tolerance policy against the illegal issuance of such certificates.

Tripathi stated that the crackdown was prompted by a tip about Halal-certified food items entering the market, which the state government had prohibited. The raids, which took place at seven to eight different locations, yielded no Halal-certified items. Officials, however, emphasized their commitment to prohibiting such products if discovered during subsequent inspections.

Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak reaffirmed the government’s unwavering stance against crime and corruption, indicating a similar resolve in dealing with the sale of Halal-certified foods. The ban, which takes effect immediately, demonstrates the state’s proactive approach to implementing the directive. This action is consistent with the government’s determination to strictly enforce the ban and maintain law and order in the state.

The crackdown demonstrates Uttar Pradesh’s commitment to upholding cultural and dietary preferences while maintaining a strong stance against unauthorized certifications in the food industry.