Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar interacted with constituents in the Hisar Lok Sabha constituency on Thursday. The Chief Minister, along with several senior officials in his government, has been holding interactions with citizens at his residence Sant Kabir Kutir in Chandigarh to ensure prompt and effective redressals for any grievances they might have.
“Giving transparent and accountable governance to its citizens has always remained the utmost priority of our government,” the Chief Minister said. During the past eight and half years, the Khattar-led government launched several IT initiatives such as the CM Window, Jan Samvad portal, as well as the Nagar and Gram Darshan portals to ensure the voices of the people do not go unheard. According to officials, the redressal mechanism is a gauge to measure the government’s efficiency and effectiveness.
During the gathering on Thursday, he stated that the government conducts such interactions with the public to ensure that they can freely express their concerns before him and the officers concerned. “The government’s goal is to make people’s lives happier by resolving their grievances. Officers have also been directed to address concerns and ideas from eminent citizens on a priority basis. The suggestions shared by the eminent people in such meetings are also taken into consideration on a priority basis,” the CM said.
The Chief Minister said that such interaction programmes raise public expectations and so directed officials to make redressal mechanisms more user-friendly. During the interaction, the CM also directed that the mapping of schools and sports stadiums should be done on the same lines as mapping was done to open a college in a 20-kilometre radius.
He said that education and sports are a vital part of the overall development of any child. The government aims to open a primary school within a radius of one kilometre, a middle school within a three-kilometre area and a senior secondary school within five kilometres, added Khattar. He said that an initiative has been taken to open libraries in villages with a population size of 5,000.