As the five-day Diwali festivities commenced on Tuesday, officials in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, announced that preparations are underway for the eighth edition of ‘Deepotsav,’ scheduled for Wednesday, the day before Diwali.

“All preparations are in place. While the government has arranged for around 5000-6000 people at the ghats, 40 jumbo screens have been set up for others to view the event live,” Sant Sharan Mishra, Nodal Officer for Deepotsav, said.

Ayodhya Commissioner Gaurav Dayal informed journalists yesterday, “We have given the final touches to our preparations and will execute it tomorrow.”

This year’s Festival of Lights is particularly significant for Ayodhya, as it marks the temple town’s first Diwali following the opening of the Ram Mandir in January. Consequently, the state government aims to set another Guinness World Record by lighting 25 lakh ‘diyas’ during Deepotsav.

To ensure the target is met even if 10% are lost for any reason, 28 lakh diyas have been ordered. Most of the diyas are arranged in squares of 16, while some have been artistically positioned to create visually appealing patterns. For instance, 80,000 diyas have been arranged in the shape of a swastika at Ghat no. 10, symbolizing auspiciousness.

In a new addition from last year, 1,100 people will participate in a special ‘aarti’ on the banks of the Saryu River on Diwali eve in Ayodhya. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will also be present for the ‘aarti.’

Additionally, the Deepotsav will highlight the spiritual, traditional, and cultural essence of the holy city, featuring performances by artists from Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Indonesia.

To ensure safety during the festivities in Ayodhya, around 10,000 security personnel have been deployed, including a significant number in plain clothes.

Must Read: Ayodhya Ram Temple to Avoid Chinese Decor During Diwali Celebrations