A girl was found dead on a bench at Vijay Mandal Park at Shivalik A block of Malviya Nagar in the national capital, Delhi Police informed on Friday. According to the police, the girl, a college student, had arrived at the park with a male friend. Further, the police informed that the victim had an external injury mark on her head.
The boy ran, who accompanied the victim to the park, fled the spot after hitting her with an iron rod, police said, adding that blood oozed out of the girl’s head as she lay lifeless on the bench at a park near Aurbindo College. The iron rod has been also recovered from the crime spot, the police informed further, adding that an investigation was underway.
“We received information that a 25-year-old girl was found dead near Aurbindo College in south Delhi’s Malviya Nagar. An iron rod was found near her body. Our preliminary investigation suggests that the girl may have been struck with the rod. Further investigation is underway,” DCP South, Chandan Chowdhary, told ANI.
Meanwhile, the chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women, Swati Maliwal, took note of the incident and tweeted, “In a posh locality like Malviya Nagar, a girl was beaten to death with a rod. Delhi is extremely unsafe. It doesn’t matter to anyone. Only in newspaper reports, the names of girls are changed, and the crimes do not stop.”
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