The Ghaziabad police are actively pursuing Mahant Mukesh Goswami, who stands accused of illicitly filming women in a changing room at a local temple. Goswami purportedly installed a hidden CCTV camera above the changing area, enabling him to secretly watch videos of women changing clothes on his mobile phone.

The shocking incident came to light at a temple situated on the Muradnagar Ganganahar, popularly known as Chota Haridwar, in Ghaziabad. A changing room had been arranged outside the temple for women visiting the Ganganahar to bathe. However, it was discovered that a concealed CCTV camera had been discreetly installed in this facility, with its live feed directly transmitted to Goswami’s mobile phone.

Following a complaint from a vigilant woman who noticed the suspicious camera, the Ghaziabad police launched an investigation. Subsequent scrutiny of the digital video footage revealed recordings of numerous women changing clothes over a five-day period, sparking public outrage and demands for swift action.

In response, the Ghaziabad Police registered a First Information Report (FIR) against accused Mahant Mukesh Goswami at the Muradnagar Police Station. The investigation confirmed the recording of objectionable videos of women over an extended duration, prompting authorities to intensify their search for Goswami, who remains at large.

The egregious breach of privacy and security has provoked widespread condemnation, with community members calling for decisive measures to address the reprehensible conduct. Law enforcement agencies have pledged to pursue the case diligently and ensure that justice is served for the victims.