Former Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot arrived in Jaipur from Delhi on Friday and addressed the media at the airport. He expressed confusion over the unexpected election results in Haryana, noting that BJP leaders had predicted a Congress victory just a day prior. Gehlot stated that while the Haryana results may not directly impact Rajasthan, a party’s electoral loss can dampen the morale of its workers.

He emphasized the need for a thorough analysis of the Haryana election outcomes, questioning what led to such surprising results after widespread predictions of a Congress win. Gehlot also mentioned that the party has lodged complaints with the Election Commission regarding EVMs and is awaiting a response, highlighting that the current electoral situation is unprecedented.

Rajasthan government is shutting down our schemes
Meanwhile, Gehlot, accusing the Bhajan Lal government of the state, said that our schemes in Rajasthan were excellent. I am proud to say that states across the country are adopting our schemes. By shutting down such schemes, the BJP government is the only one that is harmed. The public is suffering, but there is no regret in shutting them down. There are schemes of social security. In such a situation, attention should be paid to them. The government is not able to make payments to the contractors. It is not giving pension to widows, single women, disabled people. They should be the subject of concern.
‘The new CM’s photo could have been put up, why was the scheme stopped’

The former Chief Minister questioned and criticized the government for halting a free ration scheme just as it was benefiting the poor, suggesting that the new Chief Minister’s photo should have been displayed instead. He expressed that such decisions have caused frustration and resentment among the public. Additionally, he extended his best wishes to the Haryana government, hoping it would serve a full five-year term, emphasizing that good governance is essential for public welfare. The former CM said that when the poor were getting free ration, the government changed. The new Chief Minister has come, so his photo should have been put up, why was the scheme stopped? Such decisions have caused pain and anger among the public. At the same time, he wished the Haryana government all the best. He also said that he hopes that this government will complete in 5 years. If there is good governance, the public will benefit.