The Gauhati High Court overturned the 2019 verdict of an Assam court on Thursday, acquitting all six convicts in the 2004 Independence Day Dhemaji bomb blast case from all charges. In July 2019, the Dhemaji District and Sessions Court had found six individuals guilty. Among them, four received life sentences, while the remaining two were given four years of rigorous imprisonment. However, the high court on Thursday reversed the 2019 verdict of the lower court, citing insufficient evidence against the convicted individuals.
On August 15, 2004, a bomb exploded in Dhemaji during the Independence Day celebrations, resulting in the tragic deaths of 18 people, including 13 schoolchildren, and causing critical injuries to at least 40 others.
The banned militant outfit United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) had claimed responsibility for the attack, and shortly afterward, the police arrested at least 14 people. The accused faced charges under various sections including the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), Section 120 B of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) which deals with criminal conspiracy, and Section 302 of the IPC for murder, among others.
After numerous hearings, the Dhemaji District and Sessions Court found six out of the 14 accused guilty for both the blast and the resulting deaths. Consequently, Dipanjali Burhagohain, Muhi Handique, Jatin Dubori, and Leela Gogoi were sentenced to life imprisonment with solitary confinement. Additionally, each of them was fined Rs 10,000.
Two additional accused, Prashanta Bhuyan and Hemen Gogoi, received four years’ rigorous imprisonment (RI) and were fined Rs 2,000 each for their involvement in the conspiracy. The district court cleared eight other accused — Minu Borah, Joya Chutiya, Jiten Chutiya, Apsara Bora, Govind Kalita, Jaychandra Chutiya, Chandranath Gogoi, and Mohan Chutiya — of all charges.
Subsequently, the convicted individuals petitioned the Gauhati High Court to review the lower court’s judgment.
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