Four Naxals were killed, and weapons were seized during a confrontation between the insurgents and security forces in Bijapur district on Tuesday. The clash occurred around 6 am at Lendra village in Bijapur, following a joint search operation by the District Reserve Group (DRG), Special Task Force (STF), CoBRA (Commando Battalion for Resolute Action), and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) that began Monday night from Gangalur police station area.
“We recovered the bodies of four Naxals after an encounter with the security forces near Kendra-Korcholi forest in Gangalur police station area of Bijapur district,” Inspector General of Police, Bastar Range, P Sundarraj, told reporters on Tuesday. “One light machine gun (LMG), barrel grenade launchers (BGL) launchers, and other arms and ammunition were recovered from the spot. The search operation is still underway,” he added.
Further updates are awaited.
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