Jammu, August 24: Former Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Mohan Lal has officially joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) after voluntarily retiring from the police force. The event, held in Jammu, saw Lal being welcomed into the party by BJP state president Ravinder Raina, Member of Parliament Jugal Kishore Sharma, and other senior leaders. He was accompanied by hundreds of his well-wishers.

Mohan Lal is expected to receive the BJP mandate for the Akhnoor assembly constituency in the upcoming elections. This development follows a recent report by The Daily Guardian, which broke the story of Lal’s resignation from the police department, indicating his impending political move.

Expressing his commitment to his new role, Lal stated, “I have always believed in serving the nation, and now, through the BJP, I intend to continue this service in a new capacity. The party’s vision for a strong and united India aligns with my own beliefs.”

BJP leaders praised Mohan Lal’s extensive experience in law enforcement, particularly his deep understanding of security issues in Jammu and Kashmir. Ravinder Raina emphasized the importance of bringing leaders with practical, ground-level experience into the party, particularly in regions like Akhnoor, which hold strategic significance.