JP Nadda, the national president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), will meet with former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Tuesday in Delhi. On Monday, while speaking with reporters in the state capital of Bhopal, Chouhan confirmed his trip to Delhi and his meeting with the head of the BJP. The earlier CM is expected to arrive in Delhi on Tuesday morning, as per the information. Chouhan declared, “I will go meet with BJP Chief Nadda. He has called for a meeting.”
Notably, it will be Chouhan’s first visit to Delhi after stepping down from the post of Chief Minister.
Former CM Chouhan also said that whatever the party would decide, he would work for it and there were a few subjects, which were his favourite issues for which he would continue to work from his heart.
“I have always said that the BJP is a mission and when you work in a mission then you won’t decide, the mission decides for you. Whatever the party will decide, I will work for it. There are a few subjects like environment, women empowerment and child welfare, these are my favourite issues and I will continue to work for it from my heart,” former CM Chouhan said.
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