Former Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot extended his heartfelt birthday wishes to Congress National President and Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge. In his message, Gehlot praised Kharge’s organizational skills and inclusive leadership style, describing him as an inspiration for Congress members.

In a separate statement, Gehlot took to social media and expressed deep concern about the increasing crime rates in his constituency, Jodhpur. He highlighted that while Jodhpur was previously in the spotlight for its major infrastructure projects, including Marwar Medical University, Rajiv Gandhi Fintech Institute, Marwar International Center, and Pawta ISBT, recent news has been dominated by crime-related issues.

Gehlot criticized the ruling party’s representatives, noting that 8 out of 10 MLAs and MPs from Jodhpur belong to the ruling party yet have neglected the city’s pressing issues. He called on the state government to take decisive action to improve law and order in Jodhpur, ensuring the safety of its residents and preserving its esteemed reputation.
Additionally, Gehlot paid tribute to his late mother, Seva Devi, on her death anniversary, offering homage and reflecting on her influence.