Former Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai criticized the newly formed Congress government led by Siddaramaiah in the state, referring to it as a “reverse gear government.” He expressed his disapproval of statements suggesting that the new government intends to modify legislations implemented by the previous BJP government upon assuming power, labeling such remarks as “arrogant.”

While talking to the mediapersons in Hubbali, Bommai said, “Now that they are in power we know what they will do, if there is an injustice to the masses we will fight against it, fight legally and politically. To change everything for freedom when it comes to power is the word of arrogance.” “Before the election, we said that Congress is a reverse-gear government. Now it is known as the reverse. The work we have done on behalf of the people is also going backwards. The guarantee given by them will also be reversed. People also know the effect of this. He is doing revenge politics. People of the state are paying attention,” he added.

His statements came as a reaction to Minister Priyank Kharge’s comment. Kharge on Wednesday said the new Congress government would either revise or withdraw orders, legislation and policies which went against the interests of the state under the previous BJP government, including cow slaughter, school textbook revision and anti-conversion.