Senior Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Azam Khan received a 10-year prison sentence on Thursday, May 30, in a forced eviction case. He was also fined ₹14 lakh. A Rampur court had previously convicted Mohammad Azam Khan in a case dating back eight years, involving forcibly vacating a property and assaulting the owner.

District government advocate MP/MLA court, Seema Singh Rana, stated, “Azam Khan was convicted yesterday, and today the sentencing was announced. He has been given a 10-year jail term and fined ₹14 lakhs.”

The incident occurred in Dungarpur Basti, Rampur, in December 2016. The complainant, Abrar, accused Azam Khan and retired Circle Officer Barkat Ali of forcibly entering his residence, causing damage, and physically assaulting him to vacate the property.

“Barkat Ali, the second accused, has been sentenced to seven years in prison and fined ₹6 lakhs,” added the advocate. Additionally, former MP Tazeen Fatima, Azam Khan’s wife, was released from Rampur District Jail after obtaining bail from the Allahabad High Court.

“Injustice has been defeated, and justice has been delivered through the court,” remarked Fatima following her release. Azam Khan, Fatima, and their son Abdullah Azam Khan were granted bail in a fake birth certificate case on May 24. Fatima had been incarcerated since October last year due to a conviction in a forgery case linked to Abdullah’s birth certificates.