Five juveniles escaped from a juvenile home in Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior district on Friday morning by removing the bathroom ventilation, according to a police official. The juvenile home, situated near the Govindpuri area and under the jurisdiction of Thatipur police station, saw the escape occur between 3 am and 4 am on Friday. Upon receiving information about the incident, police arrived at the scene and began their investigation, the officer stated.

“We received information from the caretaker of the juvenile home, which falls under Thatipur police station limits, that five juveniles have removed the ventilation of the bathroom and escaped from it between 3 am and 4 am on Friday. The concerned police stations from where they were arrested and brought here to the juvenile home have been informed and started searching for them,” said Rajiv Jangle, City Superintendent of Police (CSP).

Among the five escapees, one was charged with IPC 302 (murder) and had a case registered against him at Janak Ganj police station in the district, while the other four were detained on theft charges.

“A caretaker stayed inside and two home guard jawans deployed outside at the gate of the juvenile home. Whether the caretaker was watching the CCTV footage or not, it is a matter of investigation. Six months ago too, some children had escaped by jumping over the wall, at that time neither there was a boundary wall nor were there wires on the boundary wall, keeping that in mind all these arrangements were made,” CSP Jangle added.

Previously, six juveniles had escaped from the same facility by jumping over the wall on January 25 of this year. These minors managed to escape when they were taken out for their daily tasks around 9-10 am, during which they locked an employee in the kitchen room, pushed the home guard aside, and jumped over the approximately 5-feet-high wall of the campus.