In a tragic turn of events, five individuals, including a father-son duo and a mother-daughter duo, lost their lives, and seven others sustained injuries in two separate road accidents in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri and Reasi districts on Sunday, according to officials.

The first accident occurred in the morning near Chalan village in Rajouri when a taxi carrying eight people fell off a hilly road while traveling from Thandikassi to Lam. The driver, Arun Kumar (32), a resident of Lam, was pronounced dead at the scene. Mohammad Din (65) and his son Mohammad Aslam (40) succumbed to their injuries at the Nowshera Sub-District Hospital and Government Medical College Hospital (GMCH) in Rajouri, respectively.

Aslam’s wife, Shahida (40), and their children, Atif (10), Raza (5), and Asiya (7), along with his sister Zareena (36), are currently receiving treatment at GMCH, where their conditions are reported as serious.

In a separate incident, a Mahindra Bolero car carrying four members of a family rolled 200 feet down into a gorge at Bidda village in Reasi district around 3:30 pm. Guddi Devi and her daughter Shobha were killed instantly. Devi’s son Mukesh Singh and his minor daughter were critically injured and have been hospitalized. The incidents have cast a pall of gloom over the respective villages, and authorities are urging drivers to exercise caution on the treacherous hilly roads of the region.