In a tragic incident near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh, five Indian Army soldiers lost their lives early Saturday morning. The mishap occurred when their T-72 tank encountered difficulties in the Shyok River, close to Mandir Morh, approximately 148 km from Leh. The soldiers were identified as:



HAV Subhan Khan

HAV Shuban KhanHAV Shuban Khan

DFR Bhupendra Negi

L/DFR Ekeiduang Teibam

CFN Sadarbonia Nagaraju

The incident took place during a military exercise as the tank was being maneuvered across the river. Due to a sudden surge in water levels, the tank sank, trapping the crew inside.

Efforts to rescue the soldiers were hampered by the strong current and high water levels, despite prompt response from rescue teams. Unfortunately, all attempts to save the crew members proved unsuccessful.

The news of the tragedy prompted an outpouring of grief and condolences from various quarters. The official account of the Fire and Fury Corps, Indian Army, expressed deep sorrow, saluting the soldiers for their supreme sacrifice. Union Minister Amit Shah and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also conveyed their condolences via social media and official statements.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh acknowledged the exemplary service of the soldiers and assured that the nation stands firmly with the bereaved families during this difficult time. The incident underscores the risks involved in military operations in challenging terrains like Ladakh.

An investigation into the circumstances leading to the mishap has been initiated to ascertain the exact sequence of events and prevent such incidents in the future. The Indian Army remains committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of its personnel while carrying out operational duties.

The loss of these brave soldiers has cast a shadow of mourning across the country, highlighting the dedication and sacrifice of those serving in the armed forces. As the nation mourns their untimely demise, tributes continue to pour in for the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.