The recently elected Odisha government under Mohan Charan Majhi from the Bharatiya Janata Party announced plans to establish a ₹500 crore fund for the Jagannath temple in Puri. Additionally, they decided to open all four gates of the temple complex to visitors.

In addition, the Odisha state Cabinet under the leadership of Mohan Charan Majhi from the BJP, who took office as Odisha’s chief minister on Wednesday, also made decisions to revive the shrine and implement other significant schemes.

Below are the specifics of the additional important decisions:

Samruddha Krushak Niti Yojan

The CM announced plans to begin formulating policies for the Samruddha Krushak Niti Yojana, as promised in the BJP’s 2024 Odisha Assembly Elections manifesto.

The manifesto pledges swift payments to farmers within 48 hours via DBT with electronic weighing at markets. It offers 80-85% subsidies on mechanized farming and tools, aims to reduce post-harvest losses, and plans training programs for modern farming techniques. Additionally, it vows to raise the MSP of paddy to ₹3100 per quintal.

The CM said, “This will be done within a span of the first 100 days of the government.”

Odisha Subhadra Yojana

CM Majhi condemned the previous BJD administration for their lack of action regarding women’s empowerment and children’s welfare. He announced that the new government plans to roll out the Subhadra Yojana within 100 days, offering women a ₹50,000 cash voucher each.

The CM said, “The departments are told to prepare guidelines and roadmaps for the implementation of the Subhadra Yojana.”

The voucher for 50,000 can be encased over two years, according to the BJP manifesto.