The Unique Identification Authority of India extended the free updating of details in your Aadhaar card. The revised last date has been shifted to December 14 for free updates online, from the earlier September 14 date. Uploading documents on the myAadhaar portal and making profile changes would then be chargeable.

What is the new deadline for free Aadhaar card updates?

It has revised the ‘last date’ to avail free updates by Aadhaar card holders as December 14.

“UIDAI extends free online document upload facility till 14th December 2024; to benefit millions of Aadhaar Number Holders,” said UIDAI on X. “This free service is available only on #myAadhaar portal. UIDAI has been encouraging people to keep documents updated in their #Aadhaar,” it added.

As for the address, name, mobile number, or photograph, the updation of these details can be done online by the Aadhaar holder himself.

Why should one update the particulars on the Aadhaar card?

Aadhaar, as it is biometric based, ensures that the individual identity is fake-free and updates the records of one. According to the requirement of UIDAI, one can have the update in Aadhaar documents at least once in ten years. Demographic details include a list of name, address, and date of birth; one can do online on MyAadhaar Portal or visit any Aadhaar Enrollment Center using any one of the following documents: Ration Card, Photo Voter ID card, Domicile certificate, Passport, and Passbook.

The online updation or modification facility is also provided at the Aadhaar Centre in person during their visit to India. Newborns can be enrolled also with the help of birth certificates and Aadhaar numbers of parents while biometric updation must be required at ages 5 and 15 years.