Pawan Kumar’s home is currently abuzz with his supporters and well-wishers. A tricolour is prominently displayed on the front of the house, and a narrow pathway leads to a small courtyard. Despite the limited space, it’s enough to accommodate the crowd that has gathered to congratulate the soon-to-be IAS officer.

Hailing from a modest village in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, Mr. Kumar has achieved his dream of cracking the UPSC exam, securing AIR 239 in the civil services exam.

As the son of a humble farmer, he grew up in a mud house amidst severe poverty. With only an asbestos roof over his head, Mr. Kumar faced numerous challenges but persevered, becoming an inspiration for the youth of his village, Raghunathpur.

While his father, Mukesh Kumar, hoped he would secure any job to support the family, Pawan Kumar had a singular ambition—to become an IAS officer and serve his village’s people.

“He wanted to be an IAS (officer) since childhood. I often asked him to get a part-time job. But he used to tell me not to disturb him. He has had no hobby apart from studying,” said his father.

The UPSC exam, known for its difficulty, proved challenging even for the most talented individuals. Mr. Kumar himself faced failure twice before finally succeeding on his third attempt.

Despite owning four bighas of agricultural land and a thatched hut, the family struggled financially, with his father working as a laborer to make ends meet. Pawan Kumar was deeply concerned about his family’s poverty and knew that education was the key to change their circumstances. According to his sister Goldie, he would study diligently whenever he was at home.