The body of Harash Nagotra, a youth who allegedly ended his life by jumping into the Chenab River last month, has been recovered in Pakistan. His family is now seeking Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intervention to bring back his mortal remains for last rites.

Nagotra, a resident of a border village in the Akhnoor sector, went missing on June 11. His motorcycle was found on the banks of the Chenab River. A police official said a missing report was filed by Nagotra’s family the following day.

Preliminary investigation suggests that Nagotra might have ended his life after suffering a financial loss of over Rs 80,000 in an online gaming application.

The family received confirmation of Nagotra’s death through a WhatsApp message from a Pakistani official after reactivating his SIM card. The message, from an official claiming to be in the post-mortem department, informed them that Nagotra’s body was recovered from a canal in Sialkot, Punjab province, on June 13.

The official also sent Nagotra’s identity card via WhatsApp, confirming that the body was indeed that of their missing son.

Nagotra’s father, Subash Sharma, has appealed to Prime Minister Modi to help bring back his son’s body for last rites. “We want to perform his last rites as per our religion,” Sharma said.

Nagotra’s relative, Amrit Bhushan, mentioned that they have already contacted the External Affairs Ministry, Home Ministry, and the Prime Minister’s Office regarding the matter.

“We are in a state of shock and grief and want his body back. We have also appealed to Pakistani authorities to hand over the body,” Bhushan added.