The countdown for the bhoomi pujan ceremony of the Ram Mandir has begun in Ayodhya. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the temple town on Wednesday. According to an official statement, the main ‘puja’ will be held between 12.44 pm and 12.45 pm during the 32-second ‘Abhijit Muhurat’. It is the same ‘muhurat’ or auspicious moment when Lord Ram was believed to have been born. After the ceremony which will end at 12.45.p.m, the Prime Minister will address the saints for about an hour after which he will fly back to Lucknow around 2 pm and then return to Delhi.

Given the excitement among the people, Faizabad MP Lallu Singh will distribute 14 lakh laddoos as “Ram Prasad” on this occasion. The distribution work will start from Wednesday evening after the ceremony is done.