Former BJP MLA Anil Jha, a two-time legislator from the Kirari Assembly constituency in North West Delhi, has joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). His decision comes shortly after Delhi Minister and AAP MLA Kailash Gahlot resigned from the party, citing unmet promises and controversies.

Jha, known for his strong grassroots influence, cited dissatisfaction with the BJP’s leadership and policies as his reason for switching. His move is seen as a significant boost for AAP in a region traditionally dominated by the BJP.

Speaking at the event, Jha praised AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal for transforming the living conditions of Delhi’s Purvanchali community. “Arvind Kejriwal is the only leader who has truly worked for Purvanchalis, bringing clean drinking water and improving infrastructure in neglected colonies,” he said.

Welcoming Jha, Kejriwal highlighted AAP’s development work, stating, “For years, both BJP and Congress ignored the needs of the Purvanchali community. Under our governance, we initiated efforts to improve their living conditions, ensuring essential services like water and sewage infrastructure.”

This move strengthens AAP’s outreach to Purvanchali voters, a key demographic in Delhi politics, ahead of next year’s assembly elections.