The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Delhi Police has arrested Deepak Gupta, a relative of Ashneer Grover, the former Managing Director and co-founder of BharatPe, in connection with allegations of misappropriating funds from the fintech company. Gupta is currently being held at the EOW Police Station and is expected to be presented before the Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) at Saket Court, where the police will likely seek custody for further investigation.
This arrest is part of an ongoing legal dispute between BharatPe and Grover, which began following Grover’s ouster from the company in 2022 over allegations of financial misconduct and misappropriation of company resources.
In a related development, the Delhi High Court has granted permission to Ashneer Grover and his wife, Madhuri Jain Grover, to travel abroad despite a Look Out Circular (LOC) issued against them by the EOW. The couple had challenged the LOC and sought permission to travel to the United Kingdom from September 28 to October 7 and to Doha from October 17 to 20, where Grover is scheduled to speak at events.
The EOW is currently investigating a case of alleged fraud involving Rs 81 crore.
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